When training in Muay Thai, Kickboxing, MMA and other striking martial arts, having a good pair of thai pads is a key element of training and improving your technique, be it practicing punching, uppercuts, elbows and hooks or strengthening those front kicks, roundhouse kicks and knees.
In this review, I’ll be looking at the Badbreed Signature Edition Thai Pads.
Badbreed Signature Edition Thai Pads
Measuring at 14.5 inches in length (16.5″ if measuring the back), 7.5 inches width and 3 inches in depth, the Badbreed Signature Edition Thai Pads are sold in pairs with each pad weighing approximately 900g. Made from buffalo leather, the standard straight-shaped thai pads are decorated with the white Badbreed script logo and ‘Chronicles of a Fighter’ text on a black background with a white trim around the sides which features the Badbreed fleur-de-lis and red star shapes, as well as the Badbreed script logo in black. The rear of the thai pads features a spongy padded strip running the entire length of the pad to help cushion the pad holder’s arm when using the pads. The white strip, measuring just over 4 inches in width, also features the fleur-de-lis design in a faded pattern and a rubberised Badbreed shield in black, white and red at the base of the pad.
To ensure the pad holder has maximum control over the pads when in use, the Badbreed Signature Thai Pads feature two thick velcro straps and a padded grab handle. The leather straps are threaded through a metal buckle and are padded on the underside so as to be comfortable against the skin of the pad holder. The straps are also hemmed with black leather to give a smooth, stylish finish to the straps. The black grab handle is double pinned on both sides to ensure its firmly fixed for intense use of the thai pads and is decorated with the white Badbreed script logo.
The thai pads are well constructed with a design that gives the illusion of curved pads. The target area is straight and flat however the back of the thai pads have a slight curve to mimic the curvature of the arms of the holder so as to be more comfortable during use. The sides of the thai pads are laced, much like the Thai-made brands, with the edges hemmed to give a smooth, neat finish.
Using the Thai Pads
At the Ju-Jitsu club which I attend, padwork is an important part of our class structure to practice punching, kicking, knees and elbows for those atemi striking techniques. Having a good pair of thai pads to practice these strikes on is vital to get the most out of the training.
The Badbreed Signature Thai Pads are well padded and tough, yet not overly so, to take the punishment of kicks, knees and punches. They’re tougher than the Blitz Firepower Angled Pads but not as solid as the Sandee Thai Pads, both of which I’ve previously reviewed. I found I was able to easily punch these pads without the use of gloves as we mostly strike barefisted in our Atemi Ju-Jitsu classes to mimic a street defence situation. Some pads are too tough but these are just right to absorb a harder punch without the striker hurting themselves.
The pads feel great to strike, be it punches, elbows, knees or kicks and provide solid feedback to the striker. The pads’ gradually curved edges means I can kick without worrying about catching and hurting myself on any corners when I kick, something which unfortunately happens with the T-Sport thai pads our gym uses.
Outside of my Ju-Jitsu classes, I sometimes wear boxing gloves to sharpen up on my Muay Thai skills and the Badbreed Thai Pads work just as well, proving a solid shield to punch but giving that slight bounce due to the glove and the padded nature of the thai pads.
I also enjoying holding pads for my training partner and have found that the double velcro strap and handle system to be very comfortable and secure. The padded strip running all the way down the back of each pad is also a bonus in helping protect my arms when paired against stronger opponents. As most of my training buddies are a lot bigger and stronger than me, it’s important that the thai pads are up to the job to prevent me from being injured by the force of their strikes. These Badbreed Thai Pads are just right, offering plenty of padding for protection and a sturdy construction that allows the pad to absorb the strike instead of me. The fact they’re lightweight too allows me to move the pads quicker for combos whilst the straps and handle allow for a closer fit to my slender arms and a firmer grip so I can retain control and offer my training partner a better training experience particularly in combination and speed work.
Overall Opinion
Very stylish and in keeping with the Badbreed design and colour scheme, the Badbreed Signature Edition Thai Pads are a fantastic pair of thai pads, offering comfort, control and feedback for both the pad holder and the striker. The attention to detail with the pads to make them a premium product has to be applauded as various aspects have obviously been studied to improve the experience for both users of the thai pads.
Durable and a joy to use, the Badbreed Signature Edition Thai Pads would be a welcome edition to any striking-based martial arts club or practitioner.
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