Image of Blitz Chanbara Sparring Sword

Blitz Chanbara Sparring Sword

<p>Designed for training, the Blitz Chanbara Sparring Sword offers both attacking and defensive qualities, giving the combatant a number of fighting possibilities. The three sizes provide options for younger students, those new to their Martial Art, or even those who wish to experiment with specific skills safely. The lightweight Chanbara is made with a rigid PVC inner core with a flexible tip and foam padding, covered in a smooth, outer skin, polycotton to help eliminate abrasion and chafing. Complete with tsuba for added authenticity.<br /><br />Small dimensions: 29cm blade. 16cm handle including tsuba. 4.5cm diameter. 149g.<br />Medium dimensions: 43cm blade. 16.5cm handle including tsuba. 4.5cm diameter. 158g.<br />Large dimensions: 70.5cm blade. 26.5cm handle including tsuba. 4.5 diameter. 235g.</p>

Price: £26.99 from Blitz

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