Image of Bravose Elite Leather Boxing Focus Mitts Pads Training White Gold

Bravose Elite Leather Boxing Focus Mitts Pads Training White Gold

Make every punch count with the Bravose Elite focus mitts, in premium white leather with a breathable mesh layer. The super-comfortable pads absorb the force of every strike, spreading impact evenly across the large surface area, while the firm inner grip and added wrist support give unrivalled protection A trainer’s best friend, curved impact optimisation serves to create a loud noise upon connection, leaving you in no doubt that you have hit the mark. Features Breathable mesh layer Flexible and easily adjustable Velcro strapping Curved impact optimisation

Price: £37.49 from The Boxing Gloves

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The Boxing Gloves Bravose Elite Leather Boxing Focus Mitts Pads Training White Gold £37.49 From £4.95 or Free on orders over £250 Visit Store
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