Image of Carbon Claw Impact GX-3 4ft Synthetic Leather Punch Bag

Carbon Claw Impact GX-3 4ft Synthetic Leather Punch Bag

The Carbon Claw Impact GX-3 4ft synthetic leather punch bag lets you practise throwing punches in a safe way. Use this training aid to improve your power, technique and endurance against weighted resistance, and at the same time developing your hand-eye coordination and enhancing your speed of movement. The very strong and durable bag is packed with compressed cloth material and will stand up to a regular beating during your training sessions. The bag features double-stitched seams, a heavy-duty top cover zip, and sturdy metal D-rings and webbing straps for hanging the bag securely.

Price: £79.00 from Sweatband

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Sweatband Carbon Claw Impact GX-3 4ft Synthetic Leather Punch Bag £79.00 Free on orders over £15 Visit Store
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