Image of DKN 8, 10 and 12kg Vinyl Kettlebell Weight Set

DKN 8, 10 and 12kg Vinyl Kettlebell Weight Set

The DKN 8, 10 and 12kg vinyl kettlebell weight set is designed specifically for fitness enthusiasts looking to condition their body through precise and natural workout motion like lifting, pushing and swinging. It's a versatile training tool that can be utilised to strengthen the body, improve endurance and build muscles when used regularly. The kettlebells are amazing for high intensity workout routines and diverse cardiovascular training plans, and they allow for performing a broader spectrum of motion to target effectively different muscle groups with precision. They are designed with an anti-scratch base, and covered with a premium vinyl coating to ensure proper durability and to prevent slipping or topping over during workouts. The set features 3 kettlebells: 8kg/17.6lbs, 10kg/22lbs, and 12kg/26lbs (+/-5%), colour-coded for easy identification.

Price: £54.99 from Sweatband

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