Image of RDX A3 BBBofC Approved Fight Boxing Gloves Black 10oz

RDX A3 BBBofC Approved Fight Boxing Gloves Black 10oz

Authentic Cowhide leather is handstitched over horsehair backed by EVA and foam padding using 3ply nylon thread. Satin inner lining provides a pleasant a cool feel inside the glove while you’re raging outside it. Silver laminated cowhide leather attached thumb is filled with EVA and foam padding. EVA sheet padding cushions the wrists for added protection while a mix of EVA + foam padding in the cuff provides overall protection. Polyester laces enable a comfy and snug fit while supporting the wrists allowing proper force distribution and punching technique.

Price: £119.99 from The Boxing Gloves

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The Boxing Gloves RDX A3 BBBofC Approved Fight Boxing Gloves Black 10oz £119.99 From £4.95 or Free on orders over £250 Visit Store
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