Image of RDX A4 Laced Boxing Sparring Gloves Blue 14oz

RDX A4 Laced Boxing Sparring Gloves Blue 14oz

The sturdiest of authentic cowhide leather encapsulates the shock-absorbent interior of these foam laminated gloves This unique high-density PU mould is backed by compressed EVA, high-quality underlay and foam padding for a barrage of impact breaking hand protection Thumb with EVA padding coupled with foam cushioning encompasses the hand in overall protection EVA padding throughout wrist along with foam padding in the cuff encompasses the hands and wrists in protection for all defensive positions Polyester laces, water-resistant nylon thread stitching and Korean satin coupled with the wrist design not only offers maximum wrist support but also a purely comfortable punching experience all-together

Price: £100.99 from The Boxing Gloves

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The Boxing Gloves RDX A4 Laced Boxing Sparring Gloves Blue 14oz £100.99 From £4.95 or Free on orders over £250 Visit Store
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